Josefa all canvas shoulder bag with crossbody strap
This the the Josefa shoulder bag in canvas. The canvas is lighter than the. The interior is also canvas. This is a great spacious bag and there is a n x-tra long crossbody strap that goes from 35" to about 60" for a hand free expierence. The strap is also removable.
I have added some special touches to make this a fun functional bag. There is a belt type loop on the top right side exterior that will hold your sunglasses. It's perfect if you need to put your glasses down and don't want to forget them. It also keeps them clean so you don't need to put them on a germy table. There is also a lanyard type key clip or key fob to hold keys and make it easy to find in your bag.
*****Please read note
This is a fun summer bag that is at a great price point. Since there is a minor imperfection that can't be seen on the front of the bag. It was more involved to take apart so a generous discount lets someone get this bag at a great price. When this happens, it's called a "Perfectly Imperfect" bag and gives the buyer a great savings.
Thank you Shamballa for the pattern